im consult
18, Avenue Louis-Casaï
1209 Genève
Tél: +41 (0) 22 747 7929
Fax: +41 (0) 22 747 7999

All our services are directly related to employability and the drive for professional achievements. Due to the constant changes in the environment, evolving objectives, and growing performance standards both at personal and organisational level, professional situations have become more complex and frequently more stressful. This requires renewed skills and knowledge both in terms of understanding the professional environment and aligning personal objectives.

Our services can bring along an adequate support in assisting executives to reposition themselves correctly, not only within an organisation but also vis à vis the employment market at large. imconsult helps in assessing and understanding the «professional me», to define objectives, to focus on specific attitudes and to better grasp personal motivation within the professional context.

All our services embrace the same approach based on a unique methodology. They focus on the alignment of individual needs with the unending changes inherent to successful management of a today's organisation and they are therefore vital for companies projecting an important overhaul in their modus operandi. Such changes may encompass the reorientation and/or the reorganisation of an operation coupled with a strong need for boosting individual and team performance. They may also result in individual or collective lay offs requiring a career transition agenda.

All our programmes are aligned with the objectives as agreed upon with our clients. These programmes can be selected separately, be cumulated or reassembled according to specific requirements.

Our services feature an individual approach to each particular situation and are designed around both professional and personal needs. The consultant establishes a dialogue with his/her partner based on mutual trust and strict confidentiality. Such a high quality relationship is essential for achieving the objectives as defined in common. The consultant and is partner convene together on the suitability of the selected methodology and on the optimal number of individual sessions. At all times during the process, the consultant maintains the highest level of quality in his dealings with the client.
employabilité, anticiper, s'adapter, changer
imconsult-Executive Development SA
Head office: chemin du Signal 11 A, 1162 St-Prex    -    Tél: +41 (0) 21 806 38 90
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